Saturday, April 01, 2006


OK, so I'm feeling a little guilty. I just finished watching Formula 1 qualifying in Australia. It actually happened last night while I was sleeping. I recorded it so I could watch at my leisure. (Aren't Digital Video Recorders the coolest things since sliced bread?) Formula 1 cars are exotic multi-million dollar machines that only a handful of drivers in the world can actually tame. Only a few minutes had passed since the qualifying ended when the phone rang. It was one of our members at DBBC who works at a local restaurant that makes the best cinnamon rolls in the world. (They glaze them with a caramel sauce and are about the size of a small pillow.) She said they only had five left. (They only make them one day a week.) I thanked her for thinking of me and decided to exercise restraint....and only have her put two back for me. I'll pick them up at lunch. They are great with a diet cherry Coke. So what have I done so far this Saturday morning? I have endulged in watching exotic racing cars reserved only for the super rich and planned for a mid-afternoon rendezouz with a pastry that has too many calories to be numbered. I know you are now feeling better about your morning routine and are probably a little less impressed with the morning activities of your spiritually minded pastor. If that was all I had done this morning you would be justified in your smugness. What I haven't shared is how my morning began. I began with a cup of coffee while the boys were still shading their eyes from the morning sun underneath their pillow shams. With the cup of coffee in hand I began the morning with a conversation with my Maker. After thanking Him for His blessings and the grace to see another morning I opened His Word. I am currently reading through II Chronicles, Proverbs, and II Corinthians in my morning devotions. It's incredible what the Lord is revealing to me in these books. So before watching exotic racing machines and placing an order for a "nearly sinful" pair of pastries I began the day with my savior, and that places everything in perspective. My favorite Bible verese is Matthew 6:33. He tells us to seek Him first. He is to be our priority. He does not say we are to have no other interests. It is the order of our day He is concerned with. Gotta go now. "Dream Car Garage" just came on the Speed Channel. Keep the shiny side up!
Pastor Ken