THe RAnt OF aN EleCtronicallY ChaLlenged Pastor

Does anyone else out there feel like the more simple I want my life to become the more complicated it gets. It started with PDA's. I had to have one. All my successful ministerial friends had them. So I discarded my out-of-date day planner and purchased this pocket sized whiz. I put the entire church data base, my appointments, important passwords, and dates on this marvel of modern business accessories. Then I found that if direct sun light hit the screen it became un-readable. So I became like a hermit crab ducking into every dark shelter I could find just to read my PDA. Not only was it ideally suited for the nocturnal travels of the undead it would also grow weak at the most in-opportune times. I know you are supposed to sync those things with your laptop, but in my line of work I don't always have time to stop by the office and drop this baby in its cradle long enough to sync up with my electronic day timer. So more often than not my PDA was DOA when I needed it most.
Then there's the lady's voice in my car. She dials my car phone numbers for me. Well she used to. I think I've ticked her off so badly that she is no longer speaking to me. It seems she's not from East Tennessee. Each time I call out a number for her to dial she repeats it and ask me to say "yes" or "no". She always manages to get at least one number incorrect. I know it's not me, I speak for a living for heaven's sake. I didn't know that these voices can become irritated, but I do now. She is so tired of me saying "no" I'm afraid next time she is going to take control of the car and run me into some ditch like an early 70's "B" budget sci-fi movie.
Which gets me to the reason I began this rant. The rant almost didn't occur at all. For all of you geeks out there I am sure you have solved this problem, but I couldn't remember my username and password to get on to my blog editor. The problem began when the editor forced me to take their newest edition which required a new password. Up until then all was right with the world. When I tried to use my old password it declared that was an infraction of their "blog-law". So I made a slight variation of the old username and password combination when it told me that they did not fit the criteria. Evidently now you have to use some combination of capital letters, small case letters, numbers, cuneiform and be no shorter than 8 characters and no more than two cuneiform capitals. AAAGGGHHH!
So excuse while I get my yellow notepad and began writing my notes for Sunday's sermon with a Bic "Gel Pen". Then I have to check my black canvas covered "Day Planner" for the rest of today's appointment. By the way, the PDA makes a great paperweight. Well I've got to go. The batteries on my wireless keyboard are going dead an; causin mE tA wr)t= fun!y.
PazTOr kEn