What's On My Shelf

Hello friends.
Thanks for checking in. I don't always have remarkable insights into life to share with you. I know some of you are finding that hard to believe. Others of you are not as shocked. Part of the time I'm reading others that inspire and challenge me. A lot of the things I write about are a result of my reading. So I thought I would occasionally share with you what is on my current reading list. I hear all the time, "Pastor, where do you come up with all the ideas for your sermons?" Well some of it comes from inspiration. No kidding, while I am praying or just meditating sometimes The Spirit will impress me with a topic. That was true with the recent series, "The Front Porch Family." Other times the topic will come to me from just listening to others. The others may be friends or it may be a suggestion from my creative worship team. (I am not suggesting members of the CWT are not friends just in case some of you are reading this.) Often topics will come from my personal Bible reading as something new will hit me that I haven't noticed before. Occasionally I will be impressed by the subject matter of another speaker's series. The recent "Life in the Fast Lane" series at Dallas Bay was initiated from seeing a series from Ed Young Jr. called "Life's Too Short." But most often I am influenced by what I am reading. I read three or four books at a time. That comes to 25 to 30 a year. I thought some of you might be interested in what is currently on my reading list. So here goes:
"The Next Generation Leader" by Andy Stanley
"Anchor Man" by Steve Farrar
"an Unstoppable Force" by Erwin McManus.
In addition I am reading in the Gospel of John and listening to some sermons by Johnny Hunt from Woodstock First baptist Church.
I want to encourage each of you to read people you agree with and those you do not agree with. Nothing helps you define what you believe than reading others who disagree. I want to challenge you to read books that aren't necessarily spiritual in nature. I recently finished the biography of Walt Disney and "Why We Want You To Be Rich" by Donald Trump and Robert Kyosaki. If you don't listen and read what those outside of the church are listening to and reading you will not be able to engage them in conversation so that you may share "the reason for the hope that you have within you."
I hope you will check some these books out. If you have suggestions for my reading list please drop me a line. I am always looking for my next book. Se ya around the throne.
Pastor Ken
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