Easter Afterglow

Yesterday turned out to be a great day at DBBC. It was Easter and the atmosphere was electric. It was the kind of celebration that lifts your spirits and exhausts you at the same time. Thanks to everyone that participated in all 4 services. From volunteers in the parking lot, musicians, singers, sound and lighting techs to fellow staff members, everyone did their part to make it a great day. I have not heard the final results, but I met two people who personally accepted Christ as their savior. It was similar to what Jesus must have felt when the disciples returned after ministering in His name. "I saw Satan falling like a star from heaven." The devil was defeated as we celebrated the resurrection of our Lord.
Now, I am recuperating at Whitestone Country Inn. One reason I am here is to just rest, but I am also here to make rough outlines of messages for the next six months. While it is certainly not physically demanding it is one of the most spiritually draining things I do all year. I would appreciate all the prayers I can get. Pray that God will give me some insight into what He would have me to say to the people He is leading to DBBC. It is an awesome responsibility and sometimes it is almost more than I can bear on my own. Well it is back to the note pad and pen. Lift m up and I'll do the same for you.
In His Shadow,
Pastor Ken
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