
I knew it was coming. Outright criticism of creative Bible teaching in Tennessee is a given. What I didn't expect was a personal attack from a brother in Christ. It came in the mail yesterday. This person visited Easter Sunday. You remember the "bucket" message don't you? I was accused of not preaching from the Word, turning a sacred worship experience into a trite performance (I think he called it a circus), and thinking more highly of myself than I should. Those are the nice things he said. After reading the 3 page letter I was knocked a little off balance. I have been attacked by a pagan before with such vigor but never by a fellow Christian. It seems we can say about anything we want as a Christian as long as we add the scriptural phrase "speaking the truth in love." Thankfully not everyone was so "appalled." (I think he used that word at least 4 times in the letter)I think I told you in a previous blog 4 people prayed to receive Christ as Savior and several others joined our fellowship on that morning. Still others thanked me for holding the attention of their lost friends and family members long enough so that they could hear the gospel that morning. In the letter I was accused of "never opening the Word." I know I don't have the power to save, so the people who accepted Christ and rededicated their lives to Him that morning heard something my letter writing friend did not hear. Now that some time has passed I feel more sadness than anger toward my brother in Christ. I'm sorry that I did not live up to his expectations this Easter, but I hope I never attack the person when I simply disagree with the method. When I got hurt as kid my Mom would always say, "rub it and it will feel better." Where do you rub when you've been blind-sighted by a fellow believer. Ouch!
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