I know what your thinking. The pastor hasn't written in his blog for almost two weeks. He must have been raptured. I see those hands. If I have then two things are immediately apparent. Number one, there is internet access in heaven and number two, you are not. Don't worry, the rapture hasn't happened, at least I hope not for both of our sakes. I have been away on staff retreat with the rest of the ministerial staff and their wives and kids. It was great to get away. Now obligations are awaiting and they have grown just like the weeds in my yard while I was away. I have two radio spots to prepare for J103 on Tuesday, a Bible study to write for Wednesday, a new series begins on Sunday and the sermon has not been written nor has the set been built, a prayer breakfast early Tuesday morning downtown and several counseling appointments. To compound things I have one minister on vacation all week and one on a month long sabbatical. That rapture thing is sounding better all the time. Lord could you come before my first deadline on Monday? "Even so come quickly Lord Jesus!"
In His Shadow,
Pastor Ken
In His Shadow,
Pastor Ken
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